Tuesday 8 May 2007

US education campaign

Last week the Bill and Melinda Gates and the Eli and Edyth Broad Foundations announced a $60 million campaign, Ed 08, to put public education at the centre of issues debated in presidential election cycle.

Ed 08

The website's got a couple of neat features:

I really like the map on the front page. When you mouse over each state it shows you how many kids don't finish high school in that state. It's a simple way to get a lot of information to the user.

The send to a friend form has a pre-written letter in it, which is unusual (normally they don't have anything, or maybe just a couple of lines). It's also written in an engaging style starting with "Did you know ...". I also like how the form letter starts a paragraph space below the starting point for people to write above it. It's well spaced.

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