Thursday 31 May 2007

what can i do email

Here's a sample from Ed 08 of the "what can I do" email.

Dear sarah marland,

Hello Again!

As I talk to people around the country about the ED in 08 campaign, they continually ask me, "What can we do today?"

I have two answers:

1. Tell all of your friends, coworkers and family members about Strong American Schools, the ED in 08 campaign and the need to make education a top priority in the 2008 presidential election.

2. Ask everyone you contact to spread the word about Ed in 08 also.

You can do that two ways: Just forward this email to everyone you know or write your own personal email.

I have taken the liberty of writing some text that you might include in a mass email to your whole address book. Please feel free to use it.

I am writing to let you know about a new group that has launched a powerful, long-term campaign to make education a priority in next year's election.

Strong American Schools is a nonpartisan public awareness and action campaign offering a voice to every American who supports "ED in 08." Its goal is to ensure that the nation engages in a rigorous debate and to make education a top priority in the 2008 presidential election. It hopes that candidates will offer genuine leadership and tell voters how they intend to strengthen America's schools so all students receive the education they deserve.

Please visit its Web site at -- get some statistics on the schools in your state -- and download the brief papers on the state of our schools and the campaign's three priorities: national standards, effective teaching in every classroom and time and support for learning.

You can help in this important campaign. Get your friends involved. Forward this email to them, or use the convenient form on the Ed in 08 Web site to tell your family, friends and coworkers about the ED in 08 campaign.

I know the ED in 08 campaign is planning many enhancements for its Web site that will allow visitors like you to play an active role in making education a top priority in the election. By signing up to receive its email alerts, you will be informed as it rolls out these new features.

After you send those emails, keep in touch with the campaign through our Web site or catch my almost daily thoughts in "Roy's Blog on Schools".

Thank you for reaching out to your friends, coworkers and family members on our behalf. And thank you for supporting ED in 08.

All the best,

Roy Romer
Strong American Schools

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