Monday 25 June 2007

translating online activism to action on the ground

I've found some interesting things in my travels in the last week.

1. Meet-up
Meet-up is a website where people can find realtime groups with similar interests and meet up with them in person. It's a really interesting model for us and I think where we want to go with the new database and the activist portal. AIUSA have a meetup, so it would be good to know how that's going. It's also been used by presidential candidates to build support for their campaigns.

2. Facebook Causes
This is about to be launched by the social networking site Facebook. The basic premise is that the online communities have changed because people's online interactions, which were traditionally separate from their offline interactions, now reflect the real community. Websites like Myspace and Facebook have become another 'venue' to meet with friends.

So it also changes how organisations like us can campaign. Causes creates a kind of marketplace of causes, where people will judge them, discuss the merits of the cause and take action accordingly. It also means that people can leverage their networks of friends and organise to take action both online and offline.

I'm going to keep a close eye on this as it develops. What's been most surprising is that to read about it, I had to get a Facebook account -- I can't believe how many people have been friending me or how fun it is!

PS You can't access Facebook from the office.

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